Selling Out or Buying In

[This page is underdevelopment.   It will look at examples of redevelopment projects in established business districts–starting with Maplewood and Asbury Park.   The discussion will look at the task of integrating new development with existing culture and values]

A developers vision in Maplewood, inwardly focused on the building itself with no references to the established community surrounding it.  Basically a promotion focused on customers for 20 new rental apartments, with no reference to the context it is being built in:


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Contrasted with visions in Asbury Park, outwardly focused on the community, suggesting cues that will be taken to inform the design and of the new structure:

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This site chronicles the five year public process leading to the construction of Clarus Maplewood.   We recently re-arranged it to provide easier access chronologically or by topic area.  Check out the changes here.